

Based on the same name yonkoma manga by Ueda Masashi, serialized in Weekly Manga Action. From putting his head of department to embarrasment by announcing to everyone that he has haemmorrhoids through the PA system in a public park to making a whole district dissapointed by putting a notice that there will be a fireworks display, and apparently the only "display" is him holding one small fireworks, Kariage-kun tells the amusing everyday life of, well, Kariage-kun. His typical victim is his head of department, although anyone (or anything) can become a prey to his irony or sarcasm. The story began and ended with no special beginning or endings, but it is arranged chronologically (in the sense that it follows seasonal changes).

Slice of Life
LDA Genres:
LDA Genre LDA Weight
Mystery 0.31770727038383484
Adventure 0.292921245098114
Sports 0.21726635098457336
Slice of Life 0.15805956721305847
Sci-Fi 0.007030700333416462
School 0.007014862261712551
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