Bakujuu Gasshin Ziguru Hazeru


The anime is based on MegaHouse's line of Ziguru Hazeru (literally, "Jiggle and Pop Out") mecha toys that allow people to remove parts from the joints and add different parts in their place. In addition, if one combines together Hazeru Gokuu, Hazeru Sagojo, and Hazeru Hakkai, the resulting mecha will be Hazeru Seioh, allowing for users to combine their toys together. The ZIGURUHAZERU animated series is based on the upcoming original toy line of the same name from MegaHouse, featuring cool robot toys modelled after characters from the famous Journey to the West tale.

LDA Genres:
LDA Genre LDA Weight
Sci-Fi 0.35222917795181274
School 0.3042421340942383
Adventure 0.2791101038455963
Sports 0.051974307745695114
Mystery 0.006229715421795845
Slice of Life 0.006214568391442299
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