Aware! Meisaku-kun


A long, long time ago, there was a prestigious school called "Ryuuguu Elementary School" that produced many masterpiece characters. One day, an ordinary boy named Meisaku Matsuda enrolled at the school. Little did he know that the place for learning was filled with crazy characters like Sweets, the energetic idiot; Musubi, a rice ball who gets angry when called "onigiri"; Nokio, a narcissistic self-proclaimed robot; and Bolt, who's clearly faster than a rabbit. Surrounded by such unique characters, will Meisaku be able to graduate as a splendid masterpiece character?

LDA Genres:
LDA Genre LDA Weight
Sports 0.5130603313446045
School 0.3205600082874298
Mystery 0.14908260107040405
Adventure 0.005773226730525494
Sci-Fi 0.005765324458479881
Slice of Life 0.005758538842201233
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