Tachumaru Gekijou


A television anime adaptation of the Tachumaru Zukan project. Tachumaru Zukan re-imagines some of Tatsunoko's most popular anime franchises as a newly evolved species of super-deformed animals known as "Tachuu-rui." These mysterious "Tachumaru" (Tachumals) are "small and cute," but have special fighting moves.

LDA Genres:
LDA Genre LDA Weight
Sci-Fi 0.40123412013053894
Sports 0.3217397928237915
Mystery 0.13622905313968658
Slice of Life 0.110328309237957
Adventure 0.015291020274162292
School 0.015177729539573193
Similar Shows:
Title LDA Distance
Mouryou no Hako 0.07193358596846397
Hello Kitty: Ringo no Mori no Mystery 0.12576185160122105
L/R: Licensed by Royal 0.1405178523999259
Jarujio Animal 0.15438536267212805
Ultraman Kids no Kotowaza Monogatari 0.16648123570236092