Clione no Akari
The story centers around an illness-stricken, constantly bullied orphan girl named Minori. After one rainy day, she doesn't turn up at school, having been admitted into a hospital in a distant town. Two months pass, and the girl's two school friends, Takashi and Kyouko, receive a mysterious email with no sender listed. The email reveals a summer festival taking place at a nearby town...
LDA Genres:
LDA Genre |
LDA Weight |
School |
0.281382292509079 |
Mystery |
0.2555120885372162 |
Sports |
0.20539575815200806 |
Slice of Life |
0.1270938217639923 |
Sci-Fi |
0.12440316379070282 |
Adventure |
0.006212846841663122 |
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