

Produced by Toei Animation and directed by Kazumi Fukushima after the manga series by Muroyama Mayumi, this anime follows Asari, a normal fourth-grade girl. One day, while bargain shopping, she wins the lucky ticket at a lottery for a one-person trip to Hawaii. Chaos reigns as her family, the Beach's, fight over who should go. The ticket is lost in a bonfire, ironically. Other circumstances follow when the family finds out that the travel agency offered to "give the equal amount of half the travel expenses in cash for the ticket" from an employee of the supermarket Asahi had shopped at. What will happen to the unlucky Beach family as more elements of despair pelt them?

Slice of Life
LDA Genres:
LDA Genre LDA Weight
Slice of Life 0.3325515389442444
Sci-Fi 0.23076267540454865
Adventure 0.18100567162036896
School 0.12710218131542206
Mystery 0.12184938043355942
Sports 0.006728549022227526
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