

Mylene Hoffman, a beautiful cyborg spy with the codename "009-1" lives in an alternative world where the cold war never ended, continuously on-going for 140 years. The world is split into two factions, the West and the East block. A masquerade of peace between the two is slowly dissipated as the conflict occurs. Through politics, the two factions battle over supremacy over technology to threats of a nuclear attack. Mylene Hoffman, teaming up with three other agent, gets surrounded by deception, chaos and rivalry as she carries out missions assigned by her superiors.

LDA Genres:
LDA Genre LDA Weight
Sci-Fi 0.47776666283607483
Adventure 0.14326199889183044
School 0.13731667399406433
Sports 0.10082685947418213
Mystery 0.08552976697683334
Slice of Life 0.05529803782701492
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