B-Project: Kodou*Ambitious


The anime's story follows Tsubasa, a new hire in the A&R department of the major recording company Gandala Music. Tsubasa is immediately assigned to oversee the idol unit "B-PROJECT," which is made up of three idol groups: Kitakore, THRIVE, and MooNs. This is Tsubasa's first job, and she gets involved in various incidents and accidents as she deals with this group of young men who each have their own differing personalities.

LDA Genres:
LDA Genre LDA Weight
Slice of Life 0.57607102394104
Sports 0.18236520886421204
School 0.15690965950489044
Mystery 0.07010883092880249
Sci-Fi 0.0072806403040885925
Adventure 0.007264657411724329
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