Majin Bone


Anime adaptation of Majin Bone, a digital card game project. Majin, the creator of the Universe, has been resurrected in the present day. Shougo Ryuujin, an ordinary high school student who transforms into the Bone Fighter Dragonbone with the Bone Card in order to save Earth. Together, with the other White Bone warriors take a stand against the Dark Bone, a foe that has appeared from darkness to devastate Earth. However, "could the true enemy be ourselves?"

LDA Genres:
LDA Genre LDA Weight
School 0.32393935322761536
Adventure 0.2941157817840576
Sci-Fi 0.21879301965236664
Slice of Life 0.09442362189292908
Sports 0.06173897162079811
Mystery 0.006989277433604002
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