

The series tells the story of the five students; Yuuta Hoshitani, Tooru Nayuki, Kaito Tsukigami, Kakeru Tengenji, and Shuu Kuga as they struggle to enter the musical department of Ayanagi Academy, a school focusing on music. They need to be accepted to the Star Frame Class, which is directly taught by the members of Kaou-kai, the most talented from the musical department who stand at the top of the pecking order within the academy. Luckily, they are spotted by Itsuki Ootori, one of Kaou-kai members.

Slice of Life
LDA Genres:
LDA Genre LDA Weight
School 0.484199196100235
Sports 0.3011631965637207
Mystery 0.13499145209789276
Slice of Life 0.06675513833761215
Sci-Fi 0.006446517538279295
Adventure 0.0064444877207279205
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