Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha ViVid


The series takes place four years after the events of Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS, during which, magical girl Nanoha Takamachi rescued and adopted a young girl named Vivio, who is the reincarnation of the Sankt Kaiser, Olivie Segbrecht. After entering her fourth year of elementary school, Vivio is given her own intelligence device, Sacred Heart, and gains the power to transform using her adult Sankt Kaiser mode. She soon comes across a girl named Einhart Stratos who, similar to Vivio, is the descendant of another Sankt Kaiser ruler, Claus G.S. Ingvalt. As Einhart becomes determined to prove her fighting style is the strongest, Vivio befriends her and together with her friends, enters a martial arts tournament where they fight against various magical opponents and learn more about their past lives.

Martial Arts
LDA Genres:
LDA Genre LDA Weight
Adventure 0.5167837738990784
School 0.3148398697376251
Sports 0.11610998958349228
Slice of Life 0.04387246072292328
Mystery 0.004201566334813833
Sci-Fi 0.004192317835986614
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