

The story takes place in Japan. The year is 2030 and Earth has been completely overrun by a viral disease named "Gibia" that turns infected people into various different monsters, based on their age, sex, and race. A samurai and a ninja from the early Edo period travel together through time and arrive in a ruined Japan to aid a professor working on a cure for the virus. Together, they fight countless Gibia monsters, outlaws, and other fierce foes on their journey to save mankind.

Martial Arts
LDA Genres:
LDA Genre LDA Weight
Adventure 0.3707858622074127
Sci-Fi 0.2438100129365921
School 0.12251371890306473
Mystery 0.11953843384981155
Slice of Life 0.07405172288417816
Sports 0.06930020451545715
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