Anime Shows

Title Sample Genres Top LDA Genre
Neko nanka Yondemo Konai. Slice of Life , Seinen Adventure
Neko no Dayan Kids , Magic Sci-Fi
Neko no Dayan (2017) Kids Adventure
Neko no Dayan: Fushigi Gekijou Kids Mystery
Neko no Dayan: Nihon e Iku Kids Mystery
Neko no Nyagh: Nya Misérables Game , Kids Mystery
Neko no Robu Slice of Life , Comedy School
Neko to Mata Supernatural Adventure
Nekogami Yaoyorozu Slice of Life , Comedy , Supernatural Mystery
Nekojiru Gekijou Jirujiru Original Action , Comedy Slice of Life
Nekomonogatari: Kuro Comedy , Supernatural , Romance Adventure
Nekopara Slice of Life , Comedy Slice of Life
Nekoronde TV. Comedy Slice of Life
Neo Angelique Abyss Comedy , Fantasy , Harem School
Neo Angelique Abyss: Second Age Adventure , Fantasy , Harem Sci-Fi
Neo Ranga Adventure , Horror , Mecha Sci-Fi
Neon Genesis Evangelion Action , Sci-Fi , Dementia Sci-Fi
Nepos Napos Kids , Fantasy Adventure
Nerima Daikon Brothers Comedy , Music Adventure
Nessa no Haou Gandalla Adventure , Drama , Fantasy School