Anime Shows

Title Sample Genres Top LDA Genre
Urahara Comedy , Fantasy , Psychological Sci-Fi
Uramichi Oniisan Slice of Life , Comedy School
Urara Meirochou Slice of Life , Comedy , Fantasy Adventure
Urasekai Picnic Sci-Fi , Adventure , Mystery Adventure
Urashimasakatasen no Nichijou Slice of Life , Comedy , School School
Urawa no Usagi-chan Slice of Life , Comedy , School Slice of Life
Urayasu Tekkin Kazoku Comedy , Shounen Mystery
Urikupen Kyuujo-tai Adventure , Comedy , Kids Sports
Urusei Yatsura Action , Sci-Fi , Adventure Adventure
Usagi Drop Josei , Slice of Life School
Usagi no Matthew Slice of Life Mystery
Usagi no Mofy (TV 2014) Kids Adventure
Usagi no Mofy (TV 2016) Kids School
Usagi no Mofy (TV) Kids Slice of Life
Usakame Slice of Life , Comedy , Sports Sports
Usavich Adventure , Comedy Adventure
Usavich II Adventure , Comedy Adventure
Usavich III Comedy Sci-Fi
Usavich IV Comedy Adventure
Usavich V Comedy Adventure