Anime Shows

Title Sample Genres Top LDA Genre
Fushigi na Koala Blinky Adventure , Comedy , Kids Mystery
Fushigi na Melmo Magic , Shoujo Adventure
Fushigi na Somera-chan Comedy , Magic , Slice of Life Mystery
Fushigi no Kuni no Alice Adventure , Kids , Fantasy School
Fushigi no Umi no Nadia Adventure , Comedy , Historical Sci-Fi
Fushigi no Yappo Shima: Pukipuki to Poi Kids Mystery
Fushigiboshi no☆Futagohime Magic , Comedy , Shoujo Adventure
Fushigiboshi no☆Futagohime Gyu! Magic , Comedy , Shoujo School
Fushigina Ano Ko wa Sutekina Kono Ko Adventure , Kids Sci-Fi
Futago no Monchhichi Comedy , Kids Mystery
Futakoi Comedy , Romance , School School
Futakoi Alternative Comedy , Drama , Romance Slice of Life
Futari Daka Cars , Sports , Shounen Adventure
Futari wa Milky Holmes Mystery , Comedy , Super Power Sports
Futari wa Nakayoshi: Goo to Sue Kids , Slice of Life Adventure
Futari wa Precure Action , Comedy , Magic Mystery
Futari wa Precure: Max Heart Action , Comedy , Fantasy School
Futari wa Precure: Splash☆Star Action , Comedy , Magic Adventure
Futarigurashi Comedy , Ecchi , Romance Mystery
Futatsu no Spica Sci-Fi , Supernatural , Drama School