Anime Shows

Title Sample Genres Top LDA Genre
Hyakko Comedy , School , Slice of Life School
Hyakujuu-Ou GoLion Adventure , Mecha , Sci-Fi Adventure
Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria Fantasy , Harem School
Hyouga Senshi Gaislugger Action , Mecha , Sci-Fi Sci-Fi
Hyouge Mono Historical , Samurai , Seinen Mystery
Hyouka Mystery , School , Slice of Life School
Hyper ERT Kids Sci-Fi
Hyper Police Action , Comedy , Police Sci-Fi
Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima Action , Sci-Fi , Music Adventure
I My Me! Strawberry Eggs Comedy , Drama , Romance School
I: Wish You Were Here Action , Drama , Mystery Sci-Fi
ID-0 Sci-Fi , Space , Mecha Adventure
IDOLiSH7 Music School
IDOLiSH7: Second Beat! Music Slice of Life
IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix Sports , Mecha , Sci-Fi Sports
IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (2005) Drama , Mecha , Sci-Fi Sci-Fi
IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (2005) 2nd Season Mecha , Sci-Fi , Shounen Sports
IS: Infinite Stratos Action , Sci-Fi , Harem School
IS: Infinite Stratos 2 Action , Sci-Fi , Harem Adventure
Ice Kuritarou Kids Sports